Friday, April 17, 2009

A little present to keep the little one happy (and quiet).
Like me when I was her age. Star Wars rocks!
A white Darth Vader?
The little one was crying because she did not get to blow out the candles. No worries, though, we lit the candles about 50 times for each of them.
The little one was eager to blow out the candles.

A very special girl turned five early this month. A small party with lots of presents.

Well, I guess that I will continue to use this for a while. I don't really like this site much because it seems that the saturation is stripped from photos when I post them here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tea party!!
Swing life away.

Crosheting Eduardo style.

Hey, I live for that look!

I forgot the name of this one.

Acanthastrea, biznitch.

Lobophyllia doing its thing.

I do wear my Emporer mask quite a bit, but two Vaders?

Cavities are bad.

The blood of an ox is upon us all. The ox is coming. The ox is coming.

There are droplets of water on the other side of this leaf that looked interesting.

I have an eye on her, too.

This looked better in B&W.

A new lens means new pictures. This is not far from where I am.

Friday, March 6, 2009

This is what I think of negative feedback.

Nemo in motion!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

She carried this umbrella around all day, inside and out.

Charlie outside.

More candy.


This is the back and white version. I like the color one more.

I took this one while the younger one was sleeping.

Same idea again.

I tried to capture the absolute chaos of the girls painting. I think it worked. They are never still!!!

Old one painting. I used a slower shutter speed to capture the movement.

The older girl took this one (I may have helped just a bit). We were able to see the shot using live view. I did not want the older one to move the tripod. I like this one.

I took this when the girls were taking a painting break. I let them push the shutter release remote.

She made this. It lasted a few hours and then there were thousands of beads all over the floor.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Charlie and Cherva playing on the swings.


This had to come outside. It was interesting. Charlie likes this doll a lot right now.


Cherva on the deck playing in the (melting) snow.

I was bored...

Charlie sharpening a pensil.

One of my favorite corals taken with my new Sigma 50mm macro.

Acanthastrea with sweeper tentacles out. These guys eat... a lot!

More of the same.

Zoanthids with my new lights. The colors are much nicer now.

This is the surrogate host of my clownfish. It's splitting and forming new mushrooms.

Some sort of soft coral polyp that the pistol shrimp likes to move all over the tank.

Lobophyllia macro shot. These are my first macro shots with the Sony Alpha A300.