Thursday, December 27, 2007

Green star polpys. This was my second coral. It is still one of my favorites. Yes, all of these corals are from my tank.

これ は ぼく の ふたつめの さんご です。ぼく の いちばん すきな さんご です。

This is not an anemone. This is called torch coral. It has long tentacles like an anemone. I think that our new Nemo fish will live in it.

これは、いそぎんちゃく ではなくて、ハナサンゴ といいます。 いそぎんちゃく みたい です。 たぶん ニモ は すんで います。

My new addiction. This little beauty is Blastomussa sp. I tried to get the colors right. This one must be viewed in person to appreciate.
さいきん の しゅみ です。 タバサンゴ です。 しゃしん を とる の が むずかしい です。

I don't like to use back to back kid photos on here, but I really liked these. This one is my all time favorite picture. I say this a lot.

This also she special girl.

This is the girl! 

たんじょうび でした。

A very special girl just turned one!!!
No explanation needed here.

A few weeks after the ice storm we had a really bad snow storm. There is so much snow that the driveway is impossible to see. This pictures is does not tell the whole story. I was out there for hours shovelling all by myself, and took a minute to take a picture during the entire five minutes that they helped.

This was my attempt to get a nice Christmass picture of the kids. It only half worked. NOT EASY!!

I was running and pulling this sled. She had a blast!! She did get cold after a bit, though.
This is a bit old, but about one month ago there was a bad ice storm here. Rather than get upset at the storm, my daughter and I had fun sliding down the driveway. No, nobody went to the hospital. I did fall on my head a few times, but the ice kept the swelling down. I kept telling my wife that I needed to go to the hospital, but she did not want to drive on the bad roads. I remember little about that day.