Monday, November 12, 2007

These are both random shots from my trip. I think that I took both of these at a local park. The black and white one looked far less interesting in color. I like the contrast and the transparency of the roof tiles. The second one looked cool with the leaves just beginning to change color. It was sort of a gloomy day, and I wish the sky was more blue.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

This was one of my first polyps, and it has grown considerably in the past few months. The colors are more vibrant than shown.

Peppermint shrimp

This is my peppermint shrimp. I bought this to kill some invasive anemone things that were on the rocks in my tank. The anemone things are bad because they will sting and kill corals and fish. Anyway, he took care of the anemone problem. He is a welcome guest in my tank.
These are some corals from my 10 gallon reef tank. I have watch this tank for at least two hours straight a day. I always feared keeping saltwater creatures, because I thought it was too difficult. I was wrong!!! The yellow guys are yellow polyps, followed by my daisy polyps. The flat round thing is some sort of mushroom coral. I am trying to find outwhat it is.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I don't recall when I took this, but I think that I took this on the way to the airport. I need another vacation.

Our friend lives in a very tall building. The top floor has a place with a small window that opens. I spend about 1 hour up there taking photos of the skyline. I used my shoe among other things to keep the camera from moving. Later, I learned that our friend owns a tripod. Oh well, I will remember that for the next trip.

I am not sure what these buckets are for, but they were part of the fancy shrine. I took the bike photo while walking through an open mall-type thing.

I took both of these near a famous shrine. Part of the shrine is in the background. I wasn't able to get the entire shrine in a shot. I only brought one lens with me, and it was not possible to get a good shot. I attemped to tackle this in an artistic way. I am not sure if it worked.

My last day. My daughter is a clown. I

took all of these photos in a major city.

This outfit was for a ceramony. She looked cute, but I wasn't able to take pictures of her without her eating or holding candy at the actual ceramony. She will do this again in two years, so I guess that I will give it another shot then. The umbrella photo was taken in a garden at the house.

She also took the one of this fountain. I took the one of her. The one she took turned out better. Typical...

One day everyone was busy, so I took the kids to a local park to take pictures. I don't know what kind of tree this is, but I really like it. My

daughter actually took both of these photos. She pushed the button.

Our daughter must have went 50 laps around this court. She is never still. I have been told that I was (still am) the same way.

YUM!! This shrimp was soooooooo good.

*Note to guy in picture... Thank you for everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was my first trip to this part of the shore. I need one of these in my backyard to keep my blood pressure down. I envy the person that has this in their backyard.

The lighting was perfect for this shot. I had my tripod, so I was able to take a slow exposure and large aperature number to get everything in focus.

Though I struggle with the dialect, it's always nice to see Grandpa. He has a nice garden that he is always working on.
Everything in it tastes great!
My last two pictures from my adventure on the mountain. The one with the power lines came out better than I thought. I took this at a rest stop while people were buying drinks and stuff.

This is one of the two shots I took while on top of the mountain. I had to balance my camera on a shrine-like thing. Somehow, it worked.

After I took this picture, I started taking picture of a leaf on the trail. I looked back while I was walking and a young

couple was taking the exact same picture. We laughed and kept walking.

One day my wife and I hiked over an entire mountain. It was super fun, but also exhausting. The path kept going and going.

I took this moments later. She was all over the place. I did this on purpose to show movement.

Grandpa's little helper. A rare moment that she is not moving all over the place.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Apparently, it was clean up the beach/shore day when I was there. The kids in blue uniforms were picking up garbage and other yucky things. I think that I heard the ocean say thank you.

I took these after we left the aquarium. She really liked discovering crabs, shrimp, and snails that were hiding under rocks. Almost all of the rocks along the shore were turned over by me.

I took this during sea gull feeding time. I took at least 100 shots and managed to get a few that were sharp. I am proud of this one.

I took this while they were watching a seal swim around. I messed up the color balance and decided to change it to black and white.

I took this while they were watching a sea lion or something swim around a pool. I changed this to black and white because I messed up the color balance.

My only objection to this place was the decision to cram at least seven grown sea turtles in a small pool. Why? These guys belong in the sea, not in a small pool! I was sad for days when I saw this.

The little one explores. I appreciate her interest in the living world around her.

It took about ten shots to actually get this to look decent. This is tricky lighting!!
I wonder if I ate this kind? This place serves meals made of or containing jellyfish. I was nervous, but everything tasted really good.

There were too many interesting jellyfish to photograph. The lighting was subdued to make the jellyfish happy, but this also made it tricky to take pictures. I also had a kid in each arm most of the time.

I did not take this picture, obviously, but I really like it.

This place is very local and very cool. They have many different species of jelly fish. I visit this place every chance I get.

I just returned from a trip to a far away place that I wish was closer. As always, I had a great time. The only bad thing was getting really, really sick when I got home. I guess that the probability of getting something bad from air the same air circulating for 11 hours is pretty great.