Monday, December 15, 2008

Ricordea. Expensive and worth it.
Some sort of green polyps. This was one of my first corals.

Lord of Rings Acanthastrea. Another really cool looking one under this lighting.

This is red lobophyllia with its sweeper tentacles out. I took these while I was feeding the tank.

This is duncan coral. Really cool under this lighting, obviously.

These are blue ice zoanthids and some other green guys.

This is fruit punch Acanthastrea. This is the nicest looking coral in my tank, but this picture does not illustrate exactly how cool it really is.

Green star polyps.

Neon blue Calastrea.

This is where things get cool. My tank has a set of blue lights that come on a for a dusk/dawn effect. Everything flouresces under these lights. I tried to capture the effect, but it looks much better in person. This is unfortunately tricky metering for my camera. Enjoy!!

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